Ahhh, the nursery! Pregnancy is full of a lot of not fun things (I just had a full on freak out about childbirth last night), but one of the things I've been looking forward to is putting together a room for this sweet little girl.
The nursery is going in my former office. The space was really only being used to collect craft supplies and knick knacks (I usually work downstairs or at a coworking space), and after our house flooded it became the collection zone for EVERYTHING we didn't actually need downstairs. Seriously, here it is in all of it's hoarder glory:
Needless to say, after months of cleaning, and purging, and donating, I am ready to get started on making this a fun and usable space!
When I first started plans for the nursery I was honestly a little bummed out. Every source of inspiration seemed to be a lot of gray and mint green, with some hand lettered quotes and a teepee thrown in the room. Not my style at all. Then I finally came across this photo:
Gahhh, I just love how dark and natural it feels! Immediately I knew I wanted to bring some dark elements into the room. Here are some other nurseries that have been giving me all the vibes:
source unknown
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So now that you've seen my inspiration, here's a peek at my plans for the room!
SOURCES: Wallpaper // Light Up Birch Tree // Crib // Canopy // Dresser // Rug // Rocker // Print // Pillow
You can see I'm going for a vintage vibe with some nature-inspired touches. And of course lots of my favorite - black and gold! I've become OBSESSED with those dark large floral wallpapers, but not sure I'll be able to swing it price-wise, so I've been looking at a lot of alternatives! Luckily I already have a ton of decorative items and art prints to hang in this room, like the gold deer print from Tad Carpenter and 5' light up birch tree from Restoration Hardware.
Can't wait to show you the completed nursery in just a few short months!