1/15 | Monday Diaries

Happy Monday folks! My blog has felt super structured lately, and I miss the days of just writing about what's going on in life. I've decided to start up a new, simple series talking about a few things happening, along with links to things I love. Plus it will give me something to look forward to on Mondays :)

1.We picked up a Snoo from Craigslist for baby this weekend. I have been very skeptical of this thing because even used, it was pricey, but Eric was convinced we should try it out. The reviews online are all top notch, and the parents we bought it from said they'd wished it had been around when their first daughter was born - so we decided to give it a go! It works by strapping baby in via it's swaddles (which look very similar to baby straightjackets haha), and as soon as baby starts to stir some subtle car-like motions start up that soothe baby to sleep. Can't wait to see it in action!


2. Eric, our friend Patrick, and I went to check out a new restaurant called Hello Sailor this weekend. It's a lakeside casual/seafood joint started by the award-winning Kindred restaurant (one of my faves). The entire interior is done in this amazing palm springs vibe - complete with a photo booth! I highly recommend the lobster roll, hush puppies, fried shrimp, and avocado slaw.

Hello Sailor Restaurant Charlotte, NC

Hello Sailor Restaurant Charlotte, NC

Hello Sailor Restaurant Charlotte, NC

Hello Sailor Restaurant Charlotte, NC

3. Have you guys ever been to a cat cafe? One opened up down the street from us, so my cat-loving friend Jenée and I decided we had to check it out! It was so much fun to play with all the cats (Eric is allergic, so we can't have any of our own in the house!), and support a place where all the cats are adoptable. If you're near Charlotte and like to visit be sure to check out Mac Tabby Cafe (but make a reservation if you plan to go on a weekend - it books up quick!)

Mac Tabby Cat Cafe Charlotte

Mac Tabby Cat Cafe Charlotte

Mac Tabby Cat Cafe Charlotte

Mac Tabby Cat Cafe Charlotte

4. I haven't taught a Skillpop class since November, and I've missed it so much! Luckily I've got my Creating Social Media Images with Illustrator class coming up next Monday - and there's still a few spots left if you want to grab one! 

5. I'm swooning over these chicken paintings by Meg Klondike. 

6. Speaking of chickens, I've been holding out on doing anything with Mr. Roo - one of the chicks I hatched last August. As you may have guessed, he's a rooster, which means I can't legally keep him in my neighborhood because they typically crow all day long. I thought I had a rare exception because Mr. Roo almost NEVER crowed, but I just found out he has been crowing at 4am instead. Tomorrow he heads off to a friend's farm and I'll be super sad to see him go!

Mr. Roo

7. My book club is reading The Last Mrs. Parrish this month. Have any of you read it?  

8. I love this clean site design so much - and just downloaded the app (because who doesn't need help with their finances?). Will let you know how it is!

9. My co-worker, Shannon, wrote up an awesome blog post on 2018 Web Design Trends.

10.  Eric and I have officially booked our babymoon for Charleston, SC! Anyone have any good recs? Keep in mind it'll be winter, and I'll be super pregnant.